AARNet has decommissioned CloudStor.
15 years ago, AARNet developed CloudStor to meet a distinct need in the academic space. Researchers were struggling to efficiently share large files and work with one another over the internet. CloudStor filled a considerable gap in the market by providing cloud-based storage, sharing, and collaboration services.
However, now the market looks quite different. Cloud services abound. Lots of large, commercial vendors are providing services in this space – like Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive. Technology has progressed as well.
CloudStor’s underlying software and platform architecture had reached their end of life. Rebuilding the platform to meet the future needs of the sector would require a very substantial investment from AARNet. We’ve calculated that this investment simply isn’t financially viable.
Given that researchers now have access to multiple file sharing products, and the lack of viability of carrying CloudStor into AARNet’s future, we made the decision to decommission CloudStor.
Which CloudStor services were decommissioned?
- CloudStor Sync ‘n’ Share – individual AND group drive storage.
- CloudStor SWAN
- CloudStor S3
- Access to Zoom recordings for CloudStor and Zoom users
Can I still access FileSender?
AARNet will continue to offer FileSender as a stand-alone service for transferring large files online at filesender.aarnet.edu.au.